Delivery Services

In the realm of crowd-sourced services like delivery, Skidattl Beacons offer a groundbreaking solution for service providers to help out their drivers and recipients.

Beacons can guide delivery personnel precisely to the desired drop off location, ensuring that packages are left exactly where intended. More than just a point on a map, these Beacons can convey specific instructions, such as “leave on table”, or “please hide here”, viewed directly on the delivery person’s AR device.

This clarity not only streamlines the delivery process, but also reduces conflict about package placement, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.


  • Where’s my Package?

  • Specific Delivery Placement

  • User Customizability

  • Real-Time Analytics


  • Precise Delivery Guidance for Improved Efficiency

  • Reduced Conflict about Package Placement for Customer Satisfaction

  • Reduce Customer Service Tickets

Precise Positioning

Beacons guide delivery personnel to the exact location, ensuring accurate package placement

Enhanced Efficiency

Skidattl’s location-based augmented reality technology revolutionizes the delivery process, reducing conflicts over package placement and ensuring accurate and efficient deliveries.

Enhancing Delivery Services with Interactive and Informative Beacons

Skidattl’s Beacons eliminate the problem of misplaced packages by providing precise guidance to delivery personnel. With real-time AR instructions, packages are delivered to the exact location, reducing conflicts and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Process

Clear instructions on AR devices streamline the delivery process and reduce conflicts.

Reduced Conflict

With Skidattl, package placement conflicts are minimized, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Discover how Skidattl can work with Your Delivery Service.

Let’s discuss how Skidattl can optimize an experience for your delivery service.